465715086 976068511228335 5595392435782776203 nEXPO ZIM

festivalMeđunarodni zimski festival dečije rekreacije 


57262831 2367803683280667 9104109440814022656 oBeogradska biciklijada 

20200710 184857Logorovanje Džanići  



cikloturistickiAssociation Sport for All Belgrade is organizing Humanitarian Cycling Tour on Sunday, October 9th at 11h. 

Erasmus project partners meeting


JyNJDQ8CCVBR8A1Oqj4HIn the city of Mirandela, Portugal, from 12.-14.07.2022, a meeting of partners on the Hepa S project was held, where each partner country presented their progress on the implementation of the pilot project. It is evident that the program significantly affected their functional and motor skills, which will of course be shown in the second senior fitness test measurement at the end of the pilot project