HEPA S TPM in Belgrade


Transnational partner meeting on project HEPA (Health Enchancing Physial ativity) Health and Fitness Assessment for Seniors has been held in Begrade in hotel Zepter.
Meeting took place In Deccember and hosted 20 participants from five countries.
This EU project has been co funded by EU programs Erasmus+ , with cooperation of Croatia Serbia Slovenia Portugal and Bulgaria.
OVERALL OBJECTIVE of this project is to encourage participation in recreational physical activity for seniors (persons age 65+) in project partner countries by developing new recreational sport programmes suited for 3 types of most common health conditions (back pain, cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis) thereby supporting the implementation of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines, as well as cooeration between trainers and health profesionals.
Topic of the meeting, organized by the host Sport for All Belgrade, was Development of the Eduational manuals for Sport for All trainers and Health profesionals. Seminars and nonormal eduation will be held during spring 222, ater which pilot project with seniors will take place. After 4 months thez will be retested to check the impact of the activities.
Project duration is lanned during 2021 and 2022.