465715086 976068511228335 5595392435782776203 nEXPO ZIM

festivalMeđunarodni zimski festival dečije rekreacije 


57262831 2367803683280667 9104109440814022656 oBeogradska biciklijada 

20200710 184857Logorovanje Džanići  

HEPA S - Health and Fitness Assessment for Seniors, Erasmus+


Within HEPA-S project, co funded by the Erasmus programme of the EU, non formal education of trainers and  health profesionals started, as well as ilot group of seniors and PA programme.

Nonformal eduation has started with a group of Sport for All trainers and in the next fe weeks, health profesionals will undertake one more course of training. 

Also, in the City Centre for Physical Culture,   senior participants have enrolled in pilot project that will last by the end of the June.